Scorpio New Moon Rituals for October

New Moon in Scorpio Rituals For Transforming Your Heart

by Kate Kolenda


What does the New Moon being in Scorpio mean?

A sign of dualities, Scorpios are known for their mysterious, powerful allure and deeply secretive nature. The fixed water sign is ruled by Pluto and Mars, and reigns over death, rebirth, and radical transformation. New moons are the lowest-light lunations, and the new moon in Scorpio is an especially opportune time to re-examine any emotional or spiritual closed doors in your life, and practice opening your heart to the tenderness and love you deeply long for.

How do you set your intentions on a New Moon?

New moons signal new beginnings, a time to set clear intentions for the month ahead or for a particular project or relationship. It can also help you turn the page on anything you’re working on (or towards) and begin anew, with fresh eyes and an open heart.

Scorpio is the sign of transformation, making the Scorpio new moon the perfect opportunity to focus on radical change. Scorpios are intensely devoted to their relationships, and so this new moon signals a time to reassess how we are showing up, who we are showing up for, and also examine who shows up for us, who doesn’t, and how they do or do not.

What Should a Scorpio Do During a New Moon?

Anyone with Scorpio placement in their zodiac birth chart will feel the slow, sensual energy of this new moon more than others, particularly those with Scorpio placements in what astrologers often call the “personal planets,” i.e. your sun, moon, Venus, Mars, or Mercury. Scorpio Risings will also feel this new moon’s energy quite acutely.

Scorpio is the most intuitive sign of the zodiac, and those with prominent Scorpio placements should work to harness the energy of the new moon in their sign and tap into their subconscious and inner being as much as possible with rest, meditation, and perhaps some crystal work. 

The  Scorpio new moon always falls during the time of year when the veil to the spirit world is thinnest, making it an ideal time for natal chart work. You can book a natal chart reading with Kelsey to explore how your family’s past works with your personal planetary dynamics, with an eye towards sussing out and releasing any outmoded internal conversations you may have regarding your kin. 

Our New Moon in Scorpio Rituals & Tools

Scorpio New Moon Crystals

While they’re fiercely loyal, it can take time and a good deal of effort to win a Scorpio’s trust; they often appear intimidating and aloof to others, but they are intensely sensitive and secretly long for deep and meaningful relationships. A Scorpio’s lifelong work is to constantly and continuously take the risk of opening their heart so they may receive the love they crave, making heart-opening and healing rhodochrosite ideal to work with in a Scorpio new moon.

Blossom & Stone’s Scorpio Zodiac Essential Oils Roller encapsulates moon-charged rhodochrosite in a refreshing and grounding blend of oils scented with sweet orange, bergamot, and lime. The essential oil roller allows you to use small moments throughout the day to bring your intention back to staying open and walking in love without fear. Apply it to your pulse points and heart chakra, closing your eyes and breathing deeply while picturing your heart in your mind’s eye shining bright for all to see.

Scorpio New Moon Meditation

Fixed-sign Scorpios struggle with letting go of their attachments and excel at transforming their outlooks and attitudes—an intense axis on which to dance through life. The life lesson they relearn again and again is that the latter cannot be achieved without the former, so a meditation combining the cleansing energy of water with the transformative power of fire is particularly potent:

1. Place a large pot of water in your kitchen sink with a lit candle just to the side.

2. After inhaling and exhaling deeply, On a small piece of paper, write down any anger or hurt feelings you have been harboring that are burdening your heart and disturbing your spiritual peace. 

3. Fully inhale and exhale, and carefully ignite the paper with the flame of the candle.

4. Allow the paper to burn for one deep inhale and exhale before dropping it into the bowl of water at a close distance.

5. With the paper fully extinguished within the bowl, once again inhale and exhale deeply, and pour the bowl of water down the drain.

6. Take one last deep inhale and exhale, and blow out the candle.

If you are seeking more rituals and guidance for your astrological life during this new moon, consider learning more about Blossom & Stone’s coaching & mentorship offerings, and diving into our complimentary collection of educational resources.


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