Full Moon in Aries Meaning

Full Moon in Aries Rituals for Taking The Reins with Grace

It’s no coincidence that in the lovely Venus-ruled Libra Season, we are given the full moon in Aries, ruled by passionate Mars. While Libra encourages compromise and careful deliberation, Aries reminds us to go after what we want without abandon, and that there’s no time like the present to change your reality and deliberately steer your life’s direction.


What Happens When the Moon is in Aries?

The moon helps set the collective emotional mood. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so a new moon cycle begins when the moon transits through this sign. The shift into Aries from Pisces, the last and final sign of the zodiac, can often be felt or noticed as we are stirred from dreaming about our heart’s desires into action to make them so. Possible obstacles that may have felt insurmountable can suddenly be seen simply as challenges that when overcome, will make meeting your goals that much sweeter.

How Are Aries Affected by the Full Moon in Their Sign?

Those with Aries placements in their zodiac birth chart will feel the full moon in their sign most acutely, particularly those who are an Aries Sun, Moon, and/or Rising. These individuals will feel the pull to make change in their lives more than most but Aries placements of all kinds can perceive the sign’s pointed encouragement to shake things up in whichever area of their lives Aries rules. Those with Aries placements in Venus (ruling relationships) may initiate a breakup or finally approach someone they’ve had their heart set on for some time, while someone with Aries Mercury (planet of communication) in their zodiac chart may finally get something off their chest that’s secretly been weighing on them.

Our Full Moon in Aries Ritual

What Ritual Should I Do on an Aries Full Moon?

Aries self-care is all about finding the balance in the inner drive between empowering self-confidence and anxiety-driven burn out. On the never-ending quest to actualize their purpose, Aries can neglect to show themselves the care and compassion necessary to achieve their goals sustainably.

An especially targeted method of tapping into self-compassion and alleviating anxiety is Emotion-Focused Therapy—also known as Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT. Thought to help restore balance to our emotional energy, EFT applies gentle contact to pressure points via tapping with our fingers. Here’s a quick guide to a basic practice:

  • First, identify an issue causing you anxiety (how to choose!?), rank the intensity of your anxiety around this issue on a scale of 0-10, and write that number down. 

  • Next, create a mantra that both describes the issue and expresses self-acceptance despite it. For example, “Even though I’m anxious about my performance at my new job, I accept and love myself completely.” 

  • After you’ve created your mantra, repeat it while tapping these points in this order: the heel of your palm, the top of your head, the inside edge of one eyebrow, the outside edge of one eye, the bone underneath one eye, between your nose and your upper lip, between your lower lip and chin, beneath one collarbone, and under one armpit on your upper rib cage.

  • Finally, pause and rate the intensity of your anxiety around the issue once again; repeat until you can assign it a lower number than when you began.

Aries Full Moon Affirmations

The full moon in Aries encourages us to take charge and make things new, so affirmations should work with these two energetic themes. A few potent ones are: 

“I am the leader of my life. I gently reject anything or one that drains my power, and I call in only what serves me.”

“I see things in a new and clearer light, and I welcome the new beginnings coming my way.”

Aries Full Moon Crystals

Aries is most connected to the color red, so red stones and crystals can help channel the dynamic energy the full moon in Aries brings with it. Incorporate carnelian into your space or wear carnelian jewelry to call it to you.

Citrine is another gemstone ideal for Aries. It attracts positive energy and helps stimulate and strengthen intellect—or in other words, your head and mind. Since Aries is all about making big plans and impressive moves, citrine can help bring a little luck your way as you reach for what you really want during the passing of the Full Moon in Aries. 

Lighting Blossom & Stone’s Aries Candle—with moon-charged pieces of citrine encapsulated within its amber, vanilla, and sandalwood-scented soy wax—infuses your home or office with benevolent energy, helping to draw the encouraging energy of the Aries Full Moon into your sacred space. 

Similarly, the Essential Oils for Aries Roller is also infused with citrine so you can take a moment wherever you are to collect your inner, personal  strength and uplift your mindset with the  brightening notes of sweet orange, bergamot, and  lime.

Aries Full Moon Meditations

Because the youngest fire sign rules the head, meditation is particularly effective in this full moon. Take whatever time you can—an hour, ten minutes, or even 60 seconds—to connect with your breath and slow the pace of your thoughts. 

A textbook self-sabotaging practice of Aries is to rush into a situation without reading the room and doing a little research first. If this impulse is left unchecked, they can morph into the human embodiment of “leap before you look” and find themselves in a compromising position. To counteract this pull under the sign’s full moon and nip creeping compulsivity in the bud, practice a gathering meditation. 

With your eyes closed, imagine all the people and places you currently give your energy to (your job, your partner, your family, your plans for the future—both immediate and distant). Picture gathering all that energy back to you with each deep inhale, and dispersing it throughout your entire body with each slow, measured exhale. Repeat as many times as necessary for you to feel re-centered and grounded.

A gentle head massage, focusing on the temples, jaw, and the base of the skull is also perfect for the Aries full moon. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly, and visualize your stress melting away with each tender touch.

Creating Your Own Aries Full Moon Ritual

Looking to create an Aries self-care ritual all your own? An astrology life coach can help you better understand how this energy plays out in your zodiac birth chart and create ways to amplify Aries’ innate power.

Now is the perfect moment to seek fortune in Aries and get started today. Learn more about Blossom & Stone’s personal natal chart readings or schedule time to explore astrology life coaching with Kelsey Kennedy. - Kate Kolenda


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