Gemini Full Moon Ritual

Lighting The Way For Our Wildest Dreams With A

Gemini Full Moon Ritual

by Kate Kolenda


What happens when the full moon is in Gemini?

Full moons always represent culmination and transformation, and the Gemini Full Moon falls during Sagittarius season. Opposites on the zodiac wheel, these two signs share a drive for expansion—and a propensity for compulsivity. This full moon is  about going after your biggest dreams, but ensuring you’ve gathered all the necessary information to craft an informed approach and a clear road to success.

Gemini is known as the planet of duality, which means this lunation may bring a significant choice, or a decision may be presented to you. It’s important to lean into Gemini’s gift for logical thinking and their signature air sign emotional detachment in order to avoid jumping into a situation not truly destined for us.

Those with Gemini placements are most likely to feel the energy of this full moon the most, especially Gemini suns, moons, and risings. A Gemini Venus may be asked to examine how they communicate with those closest to them, while a person with Gemini in Mars could find themselves prompted to re-evaluate how they choose to communicate when in conflict.

You can always explore where Gemini resides in your personal zodiac birth chart by booking a Personalized Astrology Reading with Blossom & Stone’s Kelsey Kennedy.

Our Gemini Full Moon Rituals & Tools

Crystals for Full Moon in Gemini

This lunation, we’ll be lighting the Gemini candle from the Blossom & Stone Zodiac Crystals Candle Collection, which includes a kind-of Gemini sigil—encapsulated blue lace agate for mental rest and calm in the hand-poured 100% soy wax—the perfect tool for the releasing portal ritual detailed below.

In addition to blue lace agate, clear quartz is a classic choice for a full moon ritual crystal—it connects with all your chakras to bring your spiritual energy into alignment and increase your personal psychic awareness.

Turquoise is another crystal healer that’s particularly useful in Gemini full moon rituals, allowing you to tap into the activated energy of this December birthstone as the full moon in Gemini always hits this month.

A crystal known to activate the throat and heart chakras ruled by Gemini, malachite is also closely associated with Gemini’s planetary ruler, Mercury. Wearing malachite during this lunation will help keep your heart open and communication clear, in turn increasing the chances of you manifesting your dreams and desires.

What should I do for a Gemini Full Moon?

The Gemini-Sagittarius axis hinges on personal expansion, and the prerequisite to taking on anything new is the release of old habits and beliefs that can stand in the way of the expansion we seek.

A Gemini self-care astrology ritual for a full moon is always a helpful way to keep our hearts open to what the universe has in store for us. Gemini rules the nervous system, so vigorous exercise during this lunation can be particularly stress-relieving and physically grounding. Sagittarius is the ultimate adventurer of the zodiac, so an explorative hike is an ideal way to get up and out while channeling the energy of this astrological season and lunation.

Parts of the body associated with Gemini include the hands and shoulders, making a professional massage an ideal self-care ritual during the full moon in the youngest air sign. Gemini also rules the throat chakra, so sipping warm tea with honey is an  easy way to tap into a Gemini full moon ritual—particularly tea brewed with passion fruit, lemon, or Lion’s Mane mushroom.

What ritual should I do on a Full Moon?

Fire is the ultimate cleanser, and incorporating it into a full moon release ritual during fire sign Sagittarius season can potently power your intentions. First, find a quiet area that you can safely fire-proof, as this ritual involves burning a small piece of paper; we highly suggest a gravel driveway or your kitchen sink. Gather your moon ritual candle, a lighter or matches, a pen, a small strip of paper, and a bowl of water.

Take a few deep breaths and light your candle. Focus your eyes on the flame and what you want to release in your mind’s eye. After a few more deep, cleansing breaths, write what you are calling out of your life and spirit on your small piece of paper. Read what you wrote out loud three times, take three more breaths, and light the paper with the flame of the candle—be sure to keep the bowl of water close at hand in case you need to quickly put the fire out. If you can do so safely, allow the paper to burn out before saying, “I release you,” out loud and taking three more deep breaths.


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