Virgo New Moon Ritual

New Moon in Virgo Rituals for Pivoting From

Prize to Purpose

by Kate Kolenda

The New Moon in Virgo Ritual and Its Meaning

Virgo season gifts us with a particularly special new moon for manifesting. No matter where Virgo resides in your zodiac chart, you can tap into the restorative energy this lunation creates through our astrology rituals for Virgo new moon intentions.

As a general rule in astrology, new moons are ideal times to set new intentions and begin the practice of new rituals, allowing us to let go of concepts or relationships that we have outgrown or that no longer serve our highest selves and truest path. This new moon in Virgo meaning comes at a pivotal time of year, when we find ourselves reflecting back over the personal gains we made in the summertime, while also anticipating the work that lies ahead of us come fall.

Understanding Virgo energy can help you harness the Virgo new moon affirmations and unique influence to refocus your priorities and recharge your intentions.


What Does the New Moon in Virgo Ritual Signify?

The Virgo spirit guide is most often represented in the zodiac natal chart as The Maiden cradling a sheaf of wheat. This visual perfectly signifies the new moon in Virgo and its energy, as we shift away from the validation-seeking, confident Leo season that encourages us to always swing for the fences, and to make sure we look our best while going big and never going home.

The Virgo Maiden’s quest is not for bounty—she already holds her prize—but Virgo is the point in the zodiac chart when focus can pivot from prize to purpose. The Virgo new moon 2022 is the time to set intentions that will help you reap what you have worked to sow throughout the spring and height of summer.

Healing Crystals For the New Moon in Virgo Ritual

Thought to boost self-compassion and self-confidence, Virgo new moon crystals like Amazonite support releasing fears and hang-ups that may be holding us back from executing on our intentions. Virgos, known for being meticulous planners and thoughtful partners, tend to hold themselves to very high standards and harbor high levels of anxiety. Amazonite placed in our personal and professional spaces can help create a sense of balance and perspective, encouraging us to replace the worry of, “What if it all goes wrong?” with the invitation of, “What if it all goes right?”

Good crystals for Virgo new moon meditation and Virgo self-care, Red Jasper holds an especially grounding energy—one that taps into the middle earth sign’s inherent nature. Wearing it stimulates the three lower chakras, helping us root down to our most sacred personal power. This crystal healer pulls us into the present moment so that we may give our intentions and actions our full attention, staying true to Virgo’s detail-oriented nature and steering us clear of the anxiety that overthinking can create.

As long as the general astrological healing energy is peaceful during this new moon for manifesting (meaning it does not coincide with any particularly turbulent astrological conjunctions), this lunation is especially ideal for both cleansing and charging these Virgo new moon crystals. Leave your healing crystals where the light of the moon can find them and allow the crystals to draw in Virgo’s reflective and purposeful energy.

Are you seeking a new addition to your sacred space and self-care altar? Consider the aura cleansing spray from our astrology shop, specifically crafted for Virgo self-care with Amazonite for self-awareness and self-compassion.

Virgo New Moon Ritual with Tarot Cards

Each zodiac sign is ruled by a specific card in the Major Arcana, and Virgo’s ruler is The Hermit. Often represented as a solitary cloaked figure high atop a mountain, this visual aligns philosophically with The Maiden—also sometimes depicted as The Virgin. Both of these caricatures of the Virgo spirit guide enforce themes of introspection and self-preservation.

A Virgo new moon meditation with The Hermit card is quintessential in Virgo tarot practice, and especially during a new moon tarot reading. You can take the space to rest and recharge your mind, and find answers to these Virgo-guided zodiac tarot reading questions or new moon journal prompts:

  • What in my life do I find easiest to be disciplined about?

  • When do I most often struggle to bring my best?

  • Who can I be of service to, and how may I best serve them?

  • Where can I show myself more understanding and compassion?

  • What are the blessings of the “imperfections” in myself and my life?

  • How am I taking care of my physical well being, and what new habits can I commit to?

You can practice keeping a new moon journal by writing down your answers to this set of queries, or instead choose the one question that resonates with you the most and explore your reaction in depth. The Virgo new moon is an especially auspicious time for a new moon tarot card reading, and studying what your deck reveals in solitude taps into the essence of this contemplative earth sign.


The New Moon in Virgo Rituals for Self-Care

Just as the Virgo new moon intentions pair well with a zodiac tarot reading, the same goes for natal astrology. Gift yourself a professional birth chart reading to explore where in your advanced astrology chart Virgo resides so that you can fully harness its supportive, discerning energy. You can also approach your reading with your favorite new moon in Virgo meditation, or one of the new moon journal prompts from above, as the answer to each may be found by unlocking the soul astrology information held in your personal planetary placements.

For Virgo, organization is both a necessity and an art, making this Virgo new moon one of the best to enact new order in your day-to-day. A new calendar system, task-tracking app, or a re-organized kitchen could bring clarity and better structure to the way you work and live, and the new moon in Virgo meaning is for you to identify the support systems that can help you bring your best to both your passions and your work.

Prioritizing your physical wellbeing is key for your Virgo new moon intentions, as the earth sign is the most health-conscious in the zodiac chart. Perhaps your exercise routine fell by the wayside over the summer, or you’ve been considering embarking on a new movement regiment? This lunation is the sign to invest in your vitality.

Each sign is thought to rule a part of the body, and Virgo presides over the digestive system. In this sign’s new moon, take inventory of your eating habits to find how you can better nourish yourself. Is your diet as balanced as your body needs it to be? Thinking of experimenting with vegetarianism or taking on cooking for yourself more? The auspicious Virgo intense gaze of this collective soul new moon is here to coax you to begin.

Ruling the gut takes on a double-meaning for Virgo, as it is one of the most self-aware and intuitive signs who often has a gut feeling. The Virgo new moon will likely heighten your intuition, which you can tap into through Virgo new moon meditation. By clearing away outside chatter, you will be able to better hear the answers to your questions that exist only within you.

Diligent and determined, Virgo energy can drive us to accomplish big goals—but we must remember to renew our drive to be able to continue on our path. This means prioritizing rest in the Virgo new moon, and in the days before and after. Maybe it’s time to buy a new mattress or bed linens, or begin a bedtime empowerment meditation ritual to help you clear your mind and rest easier.

Community-Care in Virgo New Moon Rituals

Kindness is a signature trait of this earth sign. The Virgo new moon is a lunation that invites thoughtfulness, and it is essential to use some of this potent energy to positively impact others.

When applied on a larger scale, community care in the Virgo new moon intentions is embodied by loyal dedication. Hard work and careful communication are Virgo’s calling cards, and they are one of the signs that knows how to make it happen and make it all work. Giving your time and ingenuity to a cause or organization that you hold important is the epitome of that steadfast Virgo energy, and these August new moon rituals call us to step outside ourselves and step up for what we believe in.

In your personal life, these Virgo new moon intentions can look like helping a loved one or neighbor with their own improvement project. It can also look like fixing something or providing a service that someone may not have known existed or could be helpful to them.

One more way to channel this energy is by committing to leaving a little more space for compassion—taking an extra moment in a disagreement to imagine the other’s point of view before reacting, and telling the people you care for how you feel about them. Though this sign is characterized by deep thoughts and emotions, verbalizing them is notoriously difficult for Virgo, but all new moons challenge us to do what is difficult in service to community—and therefore ultimately, ourselves.

What Ritual Do You Do On a New Moon?

We want to hear from you—how are you using Virgo new moon crystals to solidify your Virgo new moon affirmations? Our favorite types of crystals are available in our zodiac gift sets, zodiac crystal candles, and more items from the crystal healing shop with the Virgo new moon crystals.

Let us know how you set your Virgo new moon intentions—what is your favorite way to celebrate the passing of this powerful new moon? Follow & DM Blossom & Stone on Instagram to stay in touch with founder Kelsey Kennedy.


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