Virgo Season 2023

The Majesty and Mischief of Virgo Season 2023

As we transition from the fierce, sun-soaked days of Leo, where our energies were high and our passions aflame, we now step into the grounded embrace of Virgo Season. This time of year has always been about turning inward, nurturing our spirits, and tending to the smaller, yet crucial, details of our lives. However, just as we were preparing our tea and getting cozy, the universe announced a twist: the arrival of Mercury Retrograde. It's akin to adding a surprise ingredient to your favorite dish—like sprinkling salt on your caramel latte or adding a dash of chili to your chocolate. Some might cringe, others could be intrigued, but all will agree: it makes things undeniably interesting.


Significance of Virgo Season

Virgo, the meticulous sixth sign of the zodiac, symbolizes the harvest. As farmers reap what they've sown, so do we in our lives, collecting the outcomes of our actions, decisions, and intentions. Ruled by Mercury—the swift-footed messenger of the gods—Virgo champions practicality, service, and impeccable organization.

Now, picture your Virgo friend (or perhaps it's you!): They’re the ones with the pristine workspaces, every document meticulously filed. They have color-coded notes, a stockpile of hand sanitizer in every scent, and undoubtedly a comprehensive plan for any eventuality (zombie apocalypse included). This isn’t just about being fastidious. It’s a deeper testament to Virgo's essence: finding sanctity in structure and seeing the divine in the daily grind.

During this season, our surroundings and inner landscapes echo these Virgoan ideals. Our challenge and gift? To sift through the clutter—both tangible and mental—to find clarity. It's not just about Marie Kondo-ing your closet, but also evaluating what mental and emotional baggage you've been lugging around. The Virgo season beckons us to recognize that every choice, no matter how minute, plays a part in crafting our bigger narrative. It's a gentle nudge to ensure that our daily rituals and habits truly reflect our soul's purpose and desires. So, as the earth beneath us starts preparing for a new phase, may we also find the courage to shed, sort, and simplify.

Gifts and Goodies of the Season

  • Self-Reflection: Virgos are introspective creatures. They're less about the external show and more about the internal glow.

  • Boosted Productivity: Ever tried spring cleaning in autumn? You might just find it addictive under the Virgo sun.

  • Embracing Details: Suddenly, the fine print isn't so scary. It's your ally.

Challenges (and our Not-So-Welcome Guest)

Ah, Mercury Retrograde. Just when we thought Virgo season was all about sprucing up and marching forward, the universe chimes in with, "Hold my cosmic latte!" When Mercury goes retrograde in its home sign of Virgo, things can get... well, let's just say interesting.

  • Communication Hiccups: Expect misunderstood texts, misinterpreted emails, and maybe an accidental like on a 2-year-old Instagram post of your ex.

  • Tech Glitches: Your gadgets may get a bit moody.

  • Overthinking: That Virgo-Mercury combo? A recipe for over-analyzing.

But it's not all cosmic facepalms. Retrogrades, as pesky as they can be, are not just celestial pranks designed to throw us off course. Rather, they offer us a unique window of time—a sort of cosmic pause button, if you will. During these periods, the universe urges us to revisit past decisions, rethink our current trajectories, and redo actions that might not have yielded the desired results. Think of it as nature's way of giving us a second shot. Instead of pushing forward relentlessly, we get a chance to reflect, refine, and realign with our true intentions. So while it may be tempting to groan at the mention of Mercury Retrograde, perhaps we can choose to see it as an invitation to introspection and growth, hidden beneath the veil of minor miscommunications and tech glitches.

Horoscopes for the Season

  • Aries: Channel that boundless energy into service. Volunteering could bring unexpected rewards.

  • Taurus: Redefine luxury. A simple, organized space might just be your new opulence.

  • Gemini: Double-check all communications. Twice. Maybe thrice. But also, listen to your intuition.

  • Cancer: Home is where the heart is, but maybe it's time for a little re-decor?

  • Leo: Reflect on your resources. Not just money, but your time and energy too.

  • Virgo: It’s your time to shine, but also to retreat and self-reflect. Balancing public and private will be key.

  • Libra: Dreams hold messages. Keep a journal by your bed.

  • Scorpio: Friendships come into focus. Reconnect, but be wary of miscommunications.

  • Sagittarius: Your career is highlighted. But remember, it's okay to ask for help.

  • Capricorn: Adventure might be closer than you think. Seek knowledge in unexpected places.

  • Aquarius: Deepen your connections. It's a good time to have those heart-to-hearts.

  • Pisces: Relationships take center stage. Be patient, with yourself and others.

Affirmation for the Season

"In details and diligence, I find my path forward. I embrace the journey, Mercury Retrograde and all."

Journal Prompts to Ponder

  • How can I serve others, and in doing so, also nourish my soul?

  • In what areas of my life could a little Virgo-inspired organization be a game-changer?

  • Where am I overthinking? Can I take a step back and trust the process?

Cosmic warriors, remember: Virgo season is a blend of the practical and the spiritual. It’s grounding yet transformative. And Mercury Retrograde? Well, it’s a reminder that sometimes the universe has a quirky sense of humor. Embrace it. With a wink and a smile, of course.

xo Kelsey


New Moon in Virgo 2023


New Moon in Leo 2023