Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023

A Cosmic Dance of Passion and Poise

When Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony, begins her retrograde dance in the fiery sign of Leo from July 22 to September 3, 2023, expect your universe to get a bit… heated. But hey, as they say, pressure creates diamonds. And you're about to become one dazzling gem.

woman twirling

Venus Retrograde in Leo: What to Expect?

When Venus, our celestial emblem of love, beauty, and harmony, enters her celestial backspin - the infamous retrograde - in the fiery, dynamic sign of Leo from July 22 to September 3, 2023, brace yourself for some cosmic sparks. Much like a tango dance with an old flame, Venus retrograde in Leo brings an intoxicating blend of nostalgia, self-discovery, and fiery passion. Just remember, as they say, "No pressure, no diamonds." It's time to tap into your inner alchemist and transform those cosmic challenges into sparkling opportunities.

Venus Retrograde in Leo: A Deep Dive into Expectations

Picture this: you're the lead actor in a grand play, but suddenly, you're asked to direct it. You're reviewing the script, the same one you've known by heart, but now from a different perspective. That's what the Venus retrograde feels like—particularly in the passionate and flamboyant sign of Leo. This transit offers a profound opportunity to revisit and reassess our relationships, values, and creative desires.

When Venus shimmies her way backward through the zodiac in Leo, she invites us to revisit our own "scripts"—our passions, love affairs, and personal creativity. Expect to view these elements of your life through a different lens, one that encourages a major reassessment. Do your current relationships reflect your deepest heart's desires? Are you honoring your unique creative gifts? Challenges? Oh, you bet. But gifts? Even more so. Think of this time as the cosmic version of a home makeover show. There's bound to be chaos mid-transition (paint on the carpet, anyone?), but the end result promises a more authentic, beautified version of your life.

Embracing the Gifts and Navigating the Challenges of

Venus Retrograde in Leo

On the sunny side, Venus Retrograde in Leo offers a golden ticket to explore your heart's deepest chambers. This celestial event encourages you to reassess your personal desires and reignite dormant sparks in relationships. It prompts questions around self-love, authenticity, and how we express ourselves. Do you wear your heart on your sleeve or keep it locked away? Are you in love with your life, or merely going through the motions? Now is the time to ponder these questions and find that sweet spot between pride and humility, drama and restraint, self-centeredness, and generosity.

On the not-so-sunny side, Venus in Leo retrograde may lead to heightened self-consciousness, an overinflated ego, or increased possessiveness. Past love interests could resurface (cue dramatic music), or perhaps you'll be forced to confront issues in relationships you thought were long buried. Think of this as an invitation to bravely face these shadows, knowing that this process is integral to your journey towards a more authentic self.

So, dust off your personal tiara or crown, because Venus Retrograde in Leo is your cosmic call to action. It's time to step into the spotlight of your own life with grace, courage, and a heart filled to the brim with self-love. As you navigate this cosmic dance, remember to hold space for both the challenges and the gifts. After all, the dance floor of life offers room for every step, stumble, and spin.

Venus Retrograde in Leo for Each Zodiac Sign


Embrace your inner drama queen or king. Creative sparks will fly, so use this period to reconnect with your passions.
Affirmation - I am embracing my true self-expression.
Journal Prompt - What creative activities fill me with joy and why?


Nestle into your comfort zone, but remember not to let possessiveness creep in.
Affirmation - I am secure in myself and my relationships.
Journal Prompt - How can I encourage more trust and security in my relationships?


Communication is key. Make sure to speak from your heart and avoid getting overly caught up in your thoughts.
Affirmation - I communicate my feelings openly and honestly.
Journal Prompt - How can I improve my communication to better express my feelings?


Find value in your personal possessions and finances but don't let them define your worth.
Affirmation - My worth is not defined by material possessions.
Journal Prompt - What non-material things do I value about myself?


This retrograde is all about you, Leo. Harness your charm and charisma but avoid being overly self-centered.
Affirmation - I honor myself while respecting others.
Journal Prompt - How can I balance self-love and empathy for others?


Seek out peace and quiet. It's the perfect time to engage in some spiritual self-care.
Affirmation - I find strength in stillness.
Journal Prompt - How can I incorporate more solitude into my daily routine?


Networking and friendships are your focus. Be mindful of maintaining balance in your relationships.
Affirmation - I nurture my relationships with care and understanding.
Journal Prompt - How can I better balance my personal needs with those of my friends?


Your professional life may require extra attention. Show up authentically, and don't be afraid to claim your power.
Affirmation - I shine in my authenticity.
Journal Prompt - How can I more authentically express myself in my career?


Adventure calls, but don't neglect your responsibilities.
Affirmation - I balance my need for adventure with my duties.
Journal Prompt - How can I bring more excitement into my daily life without shirking my responsibilities?


Intense emotions could surface. Embrace them, but don't let them control you.
Affirmation - I honor my feelings without letting them rule me.
Journal Prompt - How can I better handle intense emotions when they arise?


Relationship dynamics come to the fore. Aim for balance and avoid the temptation to dominate.
Affirmation - I am fair and equal in my relationships.
Journal Prompt - How can I foster more equality in my relationships?


Health and daily routines are highlighted. Take care of your physical well-being without becoming a wellness-obsessed fanatic.
Affirmation - I care for my body in a balanced, loving way.
Journal Prompt - How can I make my daily routines more nurturing?

As we open the curtains on this Venus Retrograde in Leo, let's remember: we're all stars in this cosmic play. Anticipate some twists and turns, perhaps even a plot twist or two. But with grace, dignity, and a generous dash of Leo-like courage, we'll navigate this dance together. So, brace yourself for the journey ahead and remember to keep a heart-centered perspective. Until next time, cosmic voyagers, dance with passion, embrace the unexpected, and always, always, shine your light.
xo Kelsey


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