New Moon Ritual for Beginners

A Beginner's Guide to Creating A Powerful

New Moon Ritual

by Kelsey Kennedy

New moons can be a powerful time of transformation and self-reflection, and many people like to harness their energy with moon rituals.

I have been doing new moon intention rituals for years and they've become one of my favorite habits. They are an easy way for me to regularly reconnect to myself and my desires while simultaneously connecting to the energy of the cosmos. They're simple, easy to do, and can be a very powerful way to set intentions for your life. The goal of this guide is to show you how to plan, perform and experience a new moon ritual so that you can start your own practice or add it into an existing one.

If you're just beginning your exploration into the world of new moon rituals, this guide will help you get started by providing step-by-step instructions on how to create a ritual that is tailored to meet your individual needs.

crescent moon over mountain range

Why Do a New Moon Ritual?

There are many reasons to do a new moon ritual, but here are some of the most common:

  • It's a time to start fresh and set intentions for the month ahead.

  • It's an opportunity to reset yourself after the previous month has passed, so that you can move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment.

  • You can use it as an opportunity to align yourself with the zodiac of the current moon and take advantage of its specific energy.

It's a great way to set intentions for the month ahead and use the full moon energy to help manifest them. You can also use this time to get in touch with what you really want out of life, and how best to achieve it.

How to Plan Your New Moon Intention Ritual

For those who are new to the practice of ritual, it's a good idea to start small and simple. The intention ritual is a great way to get acquainted with this type of ritual because it involves only one action: setting an intention for yourself.

The meaning behind the new moon is that it's a time for beginning things--whether you're looking for love or starting your own business, setting up an intention ritual can help you begin making those changes in your life. You can use this opportunity as an excuse to look back on where you've been so far and set goals for what comes next. It's also important not just because it helps us stay focused on our desires but also because it reinforces our commitment toward them by reminding us on a regular basis about what we want out of life and why we want those things so badly!

Create Sacred Space and Set Intentions

Before you begin your new moon ritual, it's important to create a sacred space where your energy can be focused on the task at hand. You can easily do this by clearing an area of clutter and bringing in items, such as candles and crystals that have special meaning for you. After creating your sacred space, be sure to set an intention for what you want to accomplish during the ritual. Visualizing what you hope to manifest in the week ahead will help provide clarity and direction as you move through each step.

Ground Yourself in the Moment and Celebrate Your

Intention Setting

Once you’re done setting your intention for the ritual, it's time to focus on grounding yourself. You can start by taking a few slow, deep breaths and take notice of what you are feeling and sensing in the moment. Next, express gratitude for being able to take part in such an meaningful experience.

How to Perform Your New Moon Intention Ritual

In order to perform your new moon intention ritual, you will need the following items:

  • A candle in a holder or on a plate that has been prepared with salt. (See below for instructions.)

  • Something to sit on (a chair is ideal).

  • A pen and paper for writing down your intention, if desired.

The first step is to light the candle. Next, take a moment to meditate and clear your mind of all distractions or thoughts that may be keeping you from focusing on your intention. After doing this, sit down in front of your candle holder/plate. Focus on the flame and take several deep breaths as you do so. When you feel ready, write down your intentions using only three words (for example: “love”, “success”, “money”). Once done writing down your three-word intention, let it burn in the candle until it has completely disappeared before extinguishing the flame with some salt water.

Wrap Up Your Ritual With Closure and Gratitude

A powerful and meaningful New Moon Ritual doesn't need to take hours or days -- even a few moments will do. Before saying goodbye, thank the moon and the universe that you have the opportunity to set your current intentions. Once your ritual is over, it’s important to take some time and reflect on what you did. Whatever your experience was, make sure it feels special and that you can put in place whatever changes need to be made for a more enjoyable experience in the future. Then bask in the feeling of closure before going about your day!

Get to Know More About New Moon Rituals

Looking to incorporate more connection in your life through the act of ritual? Sign up for Blossom & Stone’s newsletter to receive a free printable guide to creating a daily ritual, and learn more about personalized 1:1 coaching with Kelsey to incorporate the astrological calendar into more aspects of your life.


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